Did you know when lose weight your shoes become loose fitting?
It’s a new year and a new decade so lots of people will be joining weight loss and exercise programs advertised across various media platforms. For some it is just to get rid of the excesses of Christmas but for others it is a new year resolution to finally try to change body shape. This physical change in body shape, whether it is losing 5 stone, or toning up from a healthy 10 stone to 8 stone through exercise, one thing is going to happen, your clothes and your shoes will no longer fit how they used to. While we are prepared for a change in clothing size, it can often be a surprise for people to find that their shoes no longer fit as their feet have also changed shape. We have many customers who contact us to tell us how pleased they were to still be able to wear their favourite shoes again with Sticky Heelz after their feet had changed shape due to weight loss. We look forward to helping many more customers who have successfully changed their body image but want to still wear their favourite shoes.
Stop Shoe Slipping
Uisng our two part shoe pad and heel pad that connect to secure the foot inside the shoe your shoes will stay firmly in place with no shoe slip or rubbing and blistering.